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Reputable and respected manufacturers for your toughest jobs.

Getting the right equipment can not only get your wide range of projects done on time, it can help you better manage expenses and operating costs to increase your profitability. We represent reputable and respected brands and our goal is to ensure the machines you buy, lease or rent are the best ones for the job. We want to help you improve operator performance and efficiency while keeping your crew safe.

Welcome to Volvo Construction Equipment & Services

VCES is a leading customer focused dealer of construction equipment & related services in California. Operating from seven locations, our company including our highly trained and professional staff represent reputable and respected brands including;

Excavators •  Wheel Loaders •  Articulated Haulers  • Rigid Truck • Demolition • Landfill Compactor • Pipelayer •  Asphalt Pavers  •  Asphalt & Soil Compactors

Why Volvo CES

We’ve been a construction equipment dealer for 50 years offering high-quality equipment and parts, reliable rentals, and exceptional service and support.

Maximize Your Profit and Uptime Today

We understand that the needs of your business vary. That’s why there are two different Customer Support Agreements helping you stay profitable.

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The Genuine Way to Minimize Downtime

Maintain performance by keeping your machine a Volvo. We know that every part is vital and help you maximize uptime in the long run through Genuine Volvo Parts.

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ActiveCare Direct

With 24/7/365 active machine monitoring and monthly fleet reports, ActiveCare Direct allows you to spend more time making informed fleet management decisions.

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How Efficiency Built a Successful Mining Business

For Rango, growth hasn’t come without its challenges — but armed with the knowledge that efficiency is the critical factor to a lower cost per ton, the company has been open to new site setups, utilizing different equipment options, and using telematics and fleet monitoring services to move more material as efficiently as it can.

“When you’re out working in remote areas like West Texas, it’s all about high productivity and maximizing performance and efficiency,” Logan says. “The efficiencies we’re experiencing with these Volvo A60s help simplify estimating, bids, fleet utilization, future planning and scheduling, and a lot more.”

Our Locations

Find a branch near you, we have offices throughout California.

  • Government Sales

  • Innovation

  • Construction Equipment

Government Sales

Innovation is at the core of Volvo Construction Equipment. It’s our company mindset and our way of working. With over 180 years of construction and innovation expertise, we are at the forefront of technological development.

Innovation infiltrates every aspect of our product development process – from early conceptual exploration through to production. As well as optimizing conventional technology, we are developing radical, game-changing solutions. Our advanced engineering team looks as many as 30 years into the future and provides our organization with roadmaps of the technologies that are in their infancy today but which could make a big difference in the future.


Innovation is at the core of Volvo Construction Equipment. It’s our company mindset and our way of working. With over 180 years of construction and innovation expertise, we are at the forefront of technological development.

Innovation infiltrates every aspect of our product development process – from early conceptual exploration through to production. As well as optimizing conventional technology, we are developing radical, game-changing solutions. Our advanced engineering team looks as many as 30 years into the future and provides our organization with roadmaps of the technologies that are in their infancy today but which could make a big difference in the future.

Construction Equipment

Innovation is at the core of Volvo Construction Equipment. It’s our company mindset and our way of working. With over 180 years of construction and innovation expertise, we are at the forefront of technological development.

Innovation infiltrates every aspect of our product development process – from early conceptual exploration through to production. As well as optimizing conventional technology, we are developing radical, game-changing solutions. Our advanced engineering team looks as many as 30 years into the future and provides our organization with roadmaps of the technologies that are in their infancy today but which could make a big difference in the future.

Dealer relationship/partnership

With Customer Support Agreements, you can mine quarries and build roads with maximum uptime, expert knowledge and enhanced productivity. You can also have an impact on infrastructure in towns, cities and countries anywhere in the world with full support from your Volvo dealer. Customer Support Agreements strengthen the relationship between dealer and customer, allowing the dealer technician to make sure your machine is up and running its best.

Focus on your core business

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Cost control

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet massa vitae velit ornare mollis. Duis sollicitudin volutpat nisi ut pretium. Curabitur vestibulum lacinia sapien. Praesent a porta ante. Vivamus in ullamcorper enim. Pellentesque lorem massa, tempus ac ante vitae, dictum ornare sem. Donec libero libero, ultricies ac scelerisque vitae, elementum eu urna. Maecenas ac nisi nec diam aliquet maximus quis eu lorem.

Maximize uptime potential

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Here’s what our customers say

  • Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

    Cory Mullins

    Riverside, CA

  • Customer service is outstanding. They were extremely helpful and went above and beyond to ensure that all of our needs were met. They were able to assist me in locating the parts I required!

    Kenneth Morgan

    Riverside, CA

  • Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

    Justin Ray

    Riverside, CA


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Volvo FA

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